Why Muhammad bin Salman is popular? | MBS in World

Why Muhammad bin Salman is popular? |
MBS in World

So, Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, look no less than other princes of Arabia, but more.
Before King Salman became King of Saudi Arabia in the year 2015, perhaps someone has heard the name of his son Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Why Muhammad bin Salman is popular? | MBS in World

But then the 32-year-old Saudi prince is considered to be the most important figure in the oil-rich kingdom.

Effectively, the day is not far when they can be made a Saudi decree. That is, now 34-year-old Prince Mohammed bin Salman has become the guardian of the covenant.
King Salman is weak and ill, it can be any time he quits and declares Prince Mohammed bin Salman as king.

By the way, Prince Mohammed bin Salman is actually running the country.
All of this was done in November 2017 and we will talk about it today and talk about how powerful Prince Mohammed bin Salman is.

Speaking of his power and his personal life, after receiving the Bachelors degree from King Saud University of Riyadh, Prince Mohammed bin Salman worked in several government institutions.

Why Muhammad bin Salman is popular? | MBS in World

How Muhammad bin Salman Control Saudi Arabia?

He has only one wife in which he has two sons and two daughters.
Shah Salman took over in 2015 when he took power and made his son close to the throne.
At the age of 29, Prince Mohammed bin Salman became the world's youngest defense minister.
The ministries took over as the first task that the Minister of Defense did.

They had a declaration war with Yemen in March 2015.
There was no chance when the rebels occupied several areas of the Yemeni capital, including the Sinai capital, forcing Yemeni President Abdul Rab Mansour Hadi to flee the country and seek refuge in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi military alliance has been targeting the rebels ever since. However, Saudi Arabia and its allies continue to be accused of openly violating human rights and have created a humanitarian crisis in the poorest country in the Arab world.

Saudi Arabia, under Prince Salman's prestigious Defense Minister, dropped a British-made cluster bomb on Yemen, and Britain stopped making cluster bombs in the nineteen nineties. They signed an agreement in 2008 that it would never use it for humanitarian reasons.

Talking about the world's largest arms deal, Prince Mohammed Salman visited Washington and met with President Trump and other individuals a month before the first official visit to Saudi Arabia in May with US President Donald Trump. President Trump did a landmark during the historic visit.
And they signed a $ 110 billion tank artillery radar system armored vehicle Blackhawk helicopter and Patriot missile deal for the world's largest arms deal.

How Muhammad bin Salman Control Saudi Arabia?

How powerful is Prince Mohammed bin Salman?

Talking about the oil economy, in April 2016, the most influential Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as President of the Council of Economics and Development, launched massive economic and social reform programs in the country, aimed at relying on the Empire's oil. Have to finish.
It can be inferred that they brought such a new vision into this conservative society, introducing a new project in the country called Vision 2030, whereby Saudi Arabia's oil would be completed by 2020. 

Dependency will end

This is true even if the oil has to run out.

And Mohammed bin Salman is looking at this era as he plans for a half a trillion dollar city in the desert that will include robots, drones, driverless cars, cinemas and resorts where women and men are together meet.

 Such things have never been heard in this conservative society before. So it is clear that Prince Mohammed bin Salman is very clear under his vision and anyone who tries to hinder them will remove it.

Then comes the turn of the long squares, you will be surprised what is meant by the night of the long squares.

How powerful is Prince Mohammed bin Salman?

Why Muhammad bin Salman arrest Saudi Arabia prince?

October 4 is called the Night of the Long Knuckle Knife in Saudi Arabia. On the night of October 4, 2017, at the behest of Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a large number of Saudi princes, ministers and civilians were arrested and locked in a large hotel.

This has never happened before in the history of Saudi Arabia.

When Saudi princes, Zero and prominent figures were arrested on the orders of Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman and arrested in a large number of detainees, such an example can never be found and the biggest cause of this is the allegations of corruption was caught.

It was disgraceful for them to be accused of corruption in this way, but Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman not only issued his order but also ensured that his orders were fully executed and could not escape the country.

You guessed it that all those who got caught were rich and we were also wealthy, “but how did intelligence Prince Mohammed bin Salman say that he did not let anyone know?”

 And it is also said that there were more than 200 people who were arrested.

If that is the case then his cousin Mohammad Bin Naaf was the Wali Pact, before he was made the Wali Pham of the relations with Washington and Russia, and his relationship with the Washington Special CIA was his responsibility.

When Mohammed Bin Salman was appointed guardian of the place instead of Muhammad Naaf on the orders of King Salman, Shinton understood who was the strongest in Riyadh, and then he remained the main link between Washington and Riyadh. But Washington Prince Mohammed bin Salman has also held several meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the Syria and Iran issue.

Why Muhammad bin Salman arrest Saudi Arabia prince?

Hotel! Where prince stay after arrest

It’s a hotel in a brand where princes and ordinary people were arrested; this is a luxury hotel in Riyadh.
It is a brand that claims to have luxury hotels and resorts providing unforgettable experiences at the world's top leisure destinations.

This is the same hotel that was hosted by US President Donald Trump but now the hotel has several Saudi official guests.

You can clearly gauge the power of Prince Mohammed bin Salman by how the Saudis have captured most of the people here.

According to the information, the personalities include the billionaire-winning billionaire Prince Al-waleed bin Talal.

There was also a video in which people apparently in the hotel's bedroom, that seemed to be on guard, could be seen blanketed on the carpet.

In addition, those wearing uniforms can be seen while rifles were also visible.

On the other hand, it was said that in view of all this, it can be inferred clearly that in the personal life of the Saudi Wali Muhammad bin Salman, one thing is clearly his image.

Get That he do not like corruption in any case.
Prince Mohammed bin Salman is affectionately called MBS and MBS means Mohammad bin Salman.

Hotel! Where prince stay after arrest

Muhammad bin Salman relation with World

According to the Israeli newspaper Heritage, Mohammed bin Salman also proved to be good news for both Israel and the United States because of his opposition tactics.

On the other hand, they started several battles on the bike.

Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman is fighting several battles at the same time 28 years ago he ordered Saudi forces to attack Yemen.

This war is still going on and millions of dollars have been thought of. And in September 2019, it is said that 12 drones and a missile from Yemen or Iran attacked Saudi Arabia, causing great damage to Saudi Arabia and also damaging their economy.

They are leading the boycott of their neighboring Qatar, which is harming both countries.

Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates are accompanying them in this economic boycott.
He is also involved in a war of words with Iran and accuses Iran of spreading illiteracy and unrest in the Middle East.

In February 2019, Saudi Wali Eid Mohammad bin Salman also accused Iran of giving destinations to Yemeni rebels so that they could be directly involved in offensive military operations.

Muhammad bin Salman relation with World

Muhammad bin Salman Give right to Women

On the other hand, if it is said that women are supportive of driving, then Saudi Wali Muhammad Bin Salman is one of the few people in the kingdom who could clash with the religious scholars and tell them that it is enough now that Saudi. Women should be allowed to drive in Arabia.

And this is the last country in the world where Saudi women are not allowed to drive.
This ban has ended and Saudi women's dreams have been fulfilled but now it is to be seen how the attitude of Saudi Wali Eid Mohammad bin Salman has been pursued globally.

Muhammad bin Salman Give right to Women

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